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10 Safety Measures To Avoid Being Kidnapped

By Augustine Adah



fund kidnappers

Kidnapping for ransom has become a lucrative business for criminal elements in the country. In order to avoid being kidnapped, here are some measures to avoid falling into the camp of kidnappers this season.

Know your neighbours

To avoid living close to a potential kidnapper, get to know that person living close to you well. Find out if the person is living alone or not and the kind of job that person does for a living.

Be aware of your environment

One of the major ways to avoid kidnapping is to be thoroughly vigilant which means you live in your house like an investigator.

This entails being aware of everything happening around you and your family every time. Vigilance keeps you alert when others are not.

 Always keep your phone handy

Keeping your phone with you at all times is very important as it can be a source of help when there is a threat of kidnap.  It is not enough to just keep your phone with you but make sure you have airtime, no matter how little so that it can be useful in times of danger and a safety measure to avoid being kidnapped.

Don’t get too close to a stranger

Try not to share valuable information with those you don’t know. That stranger may be a kidnapper or an informant in disguise so avoid strictly any stranger that tries to move close to you unnecessarily.

Do not accept rides from strangers

Once you get into a stranger’s car, you are at their mercy. They could either incapacitate you or hold you hostage and you might not have an opportunity to defend yourself.

Be reluctant to reveal data on social media

Be careful not to reveal too much about yourself or your family members via social media. No need to flaunt new cars, houses, or condominium units.

Keep financial transactions secret

Kidnappers are known to take people forcefully to demand ransom. They give conditions for the release of their captives, sending panic to the family and friends of the victims.

Don’t make your donation public

Don’t try to be a money bag in public. Do your best not to make public donations in church and in your neighbourhood meetings as well. If you donate publicly, you are giving people an indication of your wealth. Anonymous donations are the best just as the scriptures tell us.

Maintain a moderate lifestyle

To avoid being kidnapped, you should check your lifestyle. If you have been living loud, try to do it in moderation now by adorning not-too-expensive wears that announce you.

Stop routine movement/pray

Driving or walking through the same route will make it easy for suspecting abductors to gather information about you and can make it easy for them to track you down when they are ready to strike. Above all, seeking God’s protection every time is the best safety measure at a time like this.

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