World Mosquito Day: Four Ways To Avoid Mosquito Bite

As the world marks World Mosquito Day on August 19, mosquitoes remain among the most deadly pests across the world, and avoiding a bite is a major concern for many. Apart from its disturbing noise, mosquitoes are also responsible for spreading malaria, a disease that kills over half a million people every year.
Today, the best way to prevent the disease is to avoid bites by infected mosquitoes. Insecticide-treated nets, preventive treatment for pregnant women and infants, and indoor residual spraying are all ways to reduce transmission, but the prevalence of mosquitoes in hard-hit areas like Sub-Saharan Africa pose a challenge to eradication measures.
Malaria can affect anyone in many parts of the world, so it’s important that people have accurate information about the disease. Here are four ways to avoid Mosquito bites.
Treating clothes with insecticide
If you don’t like the idea of putting repellent directly on your skin, you can spray your clothes with insecticide, such as permethrin). This is an effective way to prevent mosquitoes from biting skin covered by the treated clothing, and is a technique used by the military. Mosquitoes often bite through untreated clothes, so this is worth doing to avoid the bite.
Use deet repellant
Deet is a chemical found in many insect repellents and can be used on bare skin. It doesn’t smell too good (to us and to mosquitoes) and can feel a little oily, but insect repellents containing Deet offer the longest protection against mosquito bites, compared with other repellents.
Use deodorant
A study found that a compound in deodorants repelled mosquitoes by preventing them from landing on the surface coated in deodorant. In fact, there was a 56% decrease in the number of mosquito landings.
Choose the right soap brand
Studies conducted some time ago revealed that, for some people, washing with Dove and Simple Truth soaps makes them more attractive to mosquitoes, whereas washing with Native soap repels them. But for other people, none of the soaps affect how attractive mosquitoes find them.
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