Abuja Cleric Gives Strong Reasons For Thanking God
By GWG Religion Editor

Engineer Sony Onoja has put forth four strong reasons Christians must thank God one of which is that Jesus regularly offered thanksgiving to God before many miraculous acts he did while on earth.
Pastor Onoja, spoke at the Sunday Service of the Hospital Chapel, National Hospital, Abuja on the first Sunday of the year with a focus on thanksgiving.
He spoke against the background of the fact that for mankind the power to do or act lies not in man but in God who the preacher said is the one who holds the world with the word of His power. reports that Pastor Onoja, one of the elders of the church gave several anecdotes in the course of his ministration as he affirmed that power, grace and deliverance do not come from the ability of man. He noted hearing of how a medical doctor in the course of a surgical procedure to save a patient collapsed.
Elder Onoja, however, noted with irony that many who because of their lack of knowledge on the power of thanksgiving do not have access to the benefits awaiting them.
“Our access to all that God has given to us comes from knowledge,” the cleric said. reports that the cleric noted the case of a rich man who had been hospitalised and on seeing the bill started crying when he saw the cost of keeping him alive on oxygen for some days.
The rich man according to the preacher was not essentially mindful of the total cost, but was, however, sobered by what it cost to keep him alive on oxygen. The rich man he said was touched that he had taken God’s free oxygen for granted over the years.
While noting Psalm 127:1 and other scriptural references that pertained to the sovereignty of God “we must come to that understanding so that we can thank the Lord for all that He is doing.”
While also noting 1 Corinthians 3:7, Pastor Onoja affirmed that God is the only one that can give the increase to all that we do irrespective of the man watering or conceiving an idea.
“That means that if God does not give the increase all that you are doing will be futile.”
Upon these facts, the cleric went on to note four things that happen when men give thanks.
Noting Jeremiah 30:19, he said that thanksgiving provokes more increase noting that the more we thank God the more multiplication comes. “When you give thanks there is a power to continued increase. If you want to continuously progress, you must keep thanking God,” he said as he also quoted from Acts 2:4.
Second, Onoja said that “Thanksgiving engenders deliverance. When you are thanking God even for something not done you are just putting your trust in God.”
For emphasis, the cleric observed that thanking God means putting blind trust in God noting that it is like a man abandoning his fate to God.
Third, the cleric observed that thanksgiving enables the atmosphere for miracles. reports that the cleric cited the example of Jesus while feeding thousands with five loaves of bread and the resurrection of Lazarus as examples where Jesus thanked God before acting.
Remarkably, “He (Jesus) didn’t dwell on the fact that the bread was small. Jesus thanked God for only five loaves of bread,” Pastor Onoja said as he charged his audience not to dwell on the fact that their monthly salaries may be small. Thank God anyway for the small salary, he said.
“Even when it looks small God will ride on those small things to do the miraculous,” he said.
He concluded by saying that “Thanksgiving makes us whole. There are somethings that your knowledge can’t handle,” charging his audience to turn to thanksgiving “when your vocabulary fails you.”
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