A Ghanaian couple’s modest wedding has become a focal point of extensive online conversation following the viral spread of a video capturing their unique ceremony. The...
People think that sex toys are primarily used by persons who are dissatisfied or unhappy in their relationships. Though some use sex toys to find fulfillment, others...
For some couples, a particular worry has to do about the frequency of sex with a debate on how few is too little and how plenty...
Some couples have complained that the love and spark they first felt for their partner at the beginning of the relationship has reduced making living together...
South Korea’s soon-to-be-married couples are fighting against the government’s COVID-19 restrictions on indoor weddings, saying that the ever-shifting rules are causing them financial and emotional damage....
When it comes to relationships, age is not all you need to consider. Facial maturity is an indicator, but not all physically mature partners are emotionally...