Weight Loss And Other Benefits Of Bitter Kola
By Augustine Adah

Some people hate chewing bitter kola, while others chew it regularly without knowing its health benefits. Here are six benefits of chewing bitter kola including the benefit of achieving weight loss.
Prevents malaria
It is believed that bitter kola has chemical properties that allow it to be an antimalarial catalyst. It contains Kolaviron which is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytochemicals, which has high antimalarial properties.
Balance sugar level
Bitter kola can also be effective for individuals who have type two diabetes and can be used as a means of keeping the blood glucose levels stable.
Studies have shown that the seeds from the plant are capable of reducing elevated blood glucose levels. This makes it ideal for both treatments of type 2 diabetes as well as for any complications that can arise from the condition.
Relieves poisoning
It is anti-poisonous in nature because it helps in the prevention of bacterial infection caused as a result of food poisoning. The bark and seed of Garcinia kola when eaten together helps in the detoxification of the human system especially in cases of food poisoning.
Prevents vomiting
Bitter kola has been said to be helpful and useful for pregnant women, as it helps in combating nausea and vomiting, making the uterus healthier, supplies strength to the expectant mother and normalizes circulation of blood which is also contrary to what some may believe.
Weight loss
Bitter kola is known for being a natural hunger suppressant and a great thirst stimulant, and as such helps to reduce weight loss, as a reduced intake of food and a large intake of water is needed by the body to get rid of excess fat and stay healthy.
Good treatment for glaucoma
Researchers have found out that constant and consistent use of an eye drop made from an extract of garcinia kola can help treat glaucoma.
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